A single letter can explain a lot about Sechor and his work, Sechor is a Ukrainian-American graffiti and lettering artist. Growing up in Ukraine he was mesmerized by the graffiti culture emerging in his hometown in Ukraine called Lviv, after moving back to his birthplace Chicago he chose to take up his art and become a full-time artist. Sechor’s artistic exploration strives in many different mediums, allowing him to express his ideas in unique and compelling ways. From mural painting to the intricacy of sculpting, painting on miniatures, experimenting with cement, working on canvas, and the raw energy of tags and stickers, he finds inspiration in the endless possibilities offered by each medium. Sechor’s studio becomes a sanctuary where he can freely experiment and push boundaries and his artistic possibilities. This is truly what still drives Sechor to produce work and keep his momentum going. Sechor has created many large paintings and has also done a lot of commission work for individuals and businesses. As of now, Sechor is a full-time artist and a college student.